
Adventures in Geocaching

Four fat people attempting to geocache. Hilarity ensues.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Fun with Google

I keep a counter at the bottom of this blog which gives me the ability to see where folks who visit here click in from. Aside from all of the normal traffic from my buds at the Dixie Cachers forum, I also get quite a few hits from folks who find me through google searches.

I always find this interesting. It's really fun to see what kind of searches cause people to find my blog. It will come as no surprise to anyone who, like me, is married to a geocoin ho that the most common search to bring me visitors is "custom geocoin." My one little post about a Zen Bassmasters geocoin brings me 1-5 referrals a week. Big business that.

What is more fun is the plethora of odd little phrases or saying that I've used that seem to get searched for. I've gotten several hits from folks searching for "children's music cd" due to my post about caching with my nephews, and the musical hell that accompanied it. I also occasionally get a referral from various searches involving Huntsville. No surprise there since I talk about Huntsville a lot.

But today, I got the oddest Google hit I have ever gotten, or imagine I will ever get. It was so strange, that it has taken over my mind and consumed my day, trying to figure out exactly what the hell the person doing this search was looking for.

Someone had gone into Google to search for "Monte Sano" boobs.

Monte Sano boobs? Can someone please tell me what in the world that means? Why would someone be searching for that? If I had to vote on two separate phrases that I wouldn't think about going together, "Monte Sano" and "Boobs" would be up there.

I mean, I certainly understand how this blog ended up with a high ranking for that search. If our geocaching adventures were ever made into a Samuel L. Jackson movie, it would almost certainly be called "Boobs on a Mountain." Additionally, being fat folks, there is no shortage of "boobs" on display. One set of rather attractive ones sported by my wife Ashlynne and four sets of not-so-attractive "manboobs" sported by the rest of us.

But that doesn't answer the bigger question. What did a person want to know about that would cause him to search for "Monte Sano" boobs? I mean, I can certainly understand searching for boobs on the internet. I've done it myself on a few occasions. Boobs abound on the net, in pretty much every shape, size, and scenario imaginable. But boobs on Monte Sano? I can't say I've ever thought about that.

Ever curious and willing to go to the ends of the Earth (or at least to the ends of my keyboard) to do factual research for my readers, I did a Google image search for "Monte Sano" boobs. Ashlynne swears this "research" is an excuse to look at porn, but I deny that vehemently.

Oddly, there aren't a lot of image results for "Monte Sano" boobs. There are 10 in total. The first one is just black. The second is some random image about a lunatic. The third is this blog... None are pornographic in any way (no, I don't have safe search on, and no, that doesn't prove Ash's theory that I am searching for porn... much).

This is bugging me like that Lewis Black joke about the horse. It turns in your mind and you can't shake it. Why "Monte Sano" boobs? Why not "Monte Sano" Mons Veneris? Or "Monte Sano" cervix? Or perhaps "Monte Sano perineum? Why boobs? And why, for pete's sake, on Monte Sano?

Hopefully the person who did this search will look again, and will see this blog again. If so, please save me having a stroke and shoot me a message telling me what exactly you were looking for. I'm truly curious.

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