I Promise, I have a Reason...
Yes, I know I've been absent. I know I've been negligent. I know I promised a full write-up and haven't delivered. But I have a good reason. Actually, I have two. A nasty case of bronchitis, which makes doing anything but concentrating on breathing laborious and a dead c0mputer. I'm signed in on the wife's box right now to send this, but it's all you get until my new box comes in. This is not my chair, this is not my mouse, this is not my keyboard. I cannot work under these conditions! *stomps away like a diva*
If you are going to pull an uppity diva gammit then you will need to be in full drag during your next blog. NO PICTURES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I'd hate to see what your perks are in the contract
In your stead, you could submit a few guest submission of Geocaching hillarity. Call it Adventures in Geocaching: (Enter location here) Edition. Oh and I saw Adventures in Babysitting this weekend so how's that for random.
Is it me? seriously, did you really hate the movie and can't write about it - did it freeze your brain? I know it's me, what did I do wrong? It's me isn't it? Me.
really, is it me? Or is it just me?
"Like" a diva? :-)
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